9th Grade Global History and Geography I

9th Grade Curriculum and Units

Unit #Link to PageEst. Due Date
9.1 Neolithic Revolution
9.2 Mesopotamian Civ.
9.3 Ancient River Valleys
9.4 Monotheistic Religions
9.5 Eastern Belief Systems
9.6 Ancient Greece
9.7 Ancient Rome
9.8 Ancient China/India
9.9 Byzantine and Ottoman Empires
9.10 Feudal Europe
9.11 Abbasid Caliphate
9.12 Mongol Empire
9.13 Feudal Japan
9.14 Great Schism
9.15 Crusades
9.16 The Plague
9.17 Ming Dynasty
9.18 Africa and the Americas
9.19 Renaissance
9.21 Reformation
9.22 Absolutism
9.23 Scientific Revolution
9.24 Enlightenment
9.25 The Encounter